Question Bank for .NET and SQL set 2

Thursday, July 23, 2009

.NET Integration
What are steps to load a .NET code in SQL SERVER 2005?
How can we drop a assembly from SQL SERVER?
Are changes made to assembly updated automatically in database?
Why do we need to drop assembly for updating changes?
How to see assemblies loaded in SQL Server?
I want to see which files are linked with which assemblies?
Does .NET CLR and SQL SERVER run in different process?
Does .NET controls SQL SERVER or is it vice-versa?
Is SQLCLR configured by default?
How to configure CLR for SQL SERVER?
Is .NET feature loaded by default in SQL Server?
How does SQL Server control .NET run-time?
What's a "SAND BOX" in SQL Server 2005?
What is a application domain?
How are .NET Appdomain allocated in SQL SERVER 2005?
What is Syntax for creating a new assembly in SQL Server 2005?
Do Assemblies loaded in database need actual .NET DLL?
Does SQL Server handle unmanaged resources?
What is Multi-tasking ?
What is Multi-threading ?
What is a Thread ?
Can we have multiple threads in one App domain ?
What is Non-preemptive threading?
What is pre-emptive threading?
Can you explain threading model in SQL Server?
How does .NET and SQL Server thread work?
How are exception in SQLCLR code handled?
Are all .NET libraries allowed in SQL Server?
What is "Hostprotectionattribute" in SQL Server 2005?
How many types of permission level are there for an assembly?
Can you name system tables for .NET assemblies?
Are two version of same assembly allowed in SQL Server?
How are changes made in assembly replicated?
Is it a good practice to drop a assembly for changes?
In one of the projects following steps where done, will it work?
What does Alter assembly with unchecked data signify?
How do I drop an assembly?
Can we creat SQLCLR using .NET framework 1.0?
While creating .NET UDF what checks should be done?
How do you define a function from the .NET assembly?
Can compare between T-SQL and SQLCLR ?
With respect to .NET is SQL SERVER case sensitive?
Does case sensitive rule apply for VB.NET?
Can nested classes be accessed in T-SQL?
Can we have SQLCLR procedure input as array?
Can object datatype be used in SQLCLR?
How's precision handled for decimal datatypes in .NET?
How do we define INPUT and OUTPUT parameters in SQLCLR?
Is it good to use .NET datatypes in SQLCLR?
How to move values from SQL to .NET datatypes?
What is System.Data.SqlServer?
What is SQLContext?
Can you explain essential steps to deploy SQLCLR?
How do create function in SQL Server using .NET?
How do we create trigger using .NET?
How to create User Define Functions using .NET?
How to create User Defined Create aggregates using .NET?
What is Asynchronous support in ADO.NET?
What is MARS support in ADO.NET?
What is SQLbulkcopy object in ADO.NET ?
How to select range of rows using ADO.NET?



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