1. can you declare a private constructor 2. constructor calling hierarchy a>b>c 3.how will singleton maintain sinlge instance when diff console apps call differently 4. when will u go for abstract class and interface 5. can you do like this interface a { }
class aCls : a { }
class Me {
a a1 = new aCls(); a1. will this produce all the methods or members of aCls?
6. what are the components of a Factory class 7. exlpain chain of responsibility in detail 8. how will you call a base class constructor from a derived class 9. how will you call a method using reflection 10. what denotes () when you create an object a a1 = new a(); 11. is global.asax mandatory for a webapp 12. what is a webpart 13. why are you creating a usercontrol for deploying in sharepoint 14. have u used serialization 15. whats the diff bet binary and xml serialization 16. if an object throws "cannot be serialized error " what will you do?
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