Tell some examples for Library List Templates in Sharepoint ?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

1. Document Library
2. Form Library
3. Wiki Page Library
4. Picture Library
5. Report Library

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Tell some examples for Custom List Templates in Sharepoint ?

1. KPI List Template (MOSS only)
2. Languages and Translators (MOSS only)

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Tell some examples for Tracking List Templates in Sharepoint ?

1. Links
2. Calendar
3. Tasks
4. Issue Tracking

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Tell some examples for Communication List Templates in Sharepoint ?

1. Announcements
2. Contacts
3. Discussion Board

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What is the purpose of Libraries List Templates in SharePoint ?

It provides file storage and Management .

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What is the purpose of Custom List Templates in SharePoint ?

It has advanced options like KPI tracking and language translation.

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What is the purpose of Tracking List Templates in SharePoint ?

It helps site users manage schedules and activities.

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What is the purpose of Communications List Templates in SharePoint ?

Its for connecting site users by providing platform for sharing contact information, ideas and announcements

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What are the various types of SharePoint List Templates ?

There are 4 categories, they are :
1. Communications
2. Tracking
3. Custom
4. Libraries

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What is a Document Library in SharePoint ?

It is a specialized type of list in which every memeber is a file and it can also have additional columns, or metadata associated with that file.

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What is the expansion of CLS ?

Common Language System

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What is the expansion of CTS ?

Common Type System

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What is the expansion of MSIL ?

MicroSoft Intermediate Language

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What is the expansion of ADO ?

ActiveX Data Object

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What is the expansion of OLE DB ?

Object Linking and Embedding DataBase

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What is the expansion of OLE ?

Object Linking and Embedding

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What is the expansion of ODBC ?

Open DataBase Connectivity

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What is the expansion of NLB ?

Network Load Balance

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What is the expansion of UDA ?

Universal Data Access

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What is the expansion of MTS ?

Microsoft Transaction Server

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What is the expansion of DNA ?

Distributed iNternet application Architecture

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What is the expansion of GUID ?

Global Unique Identifier

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What is the expansion of IDL ?

Interface Definition Language

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What is the expansion of COM?

Component Object Model

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What is the expansion of PNRP ?

Peer Name Resolution Protocol

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What is the expansion of DSML ?

Directory Service Markup Language

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What are the methods provided by the dataset for XML?

Friday, April 8, 2011

The important methods of a DataSet class for XML are :
1. GetXml Method
2. GetXmlSchema Method
3. InferXmlSchema Method
4. WriteXml Method
5. WriteXmlSchema Method
6. ReadXml Method
7. ReadXmlSchema Method

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Which is the best place to store connectionstring ?

App.config - Windows Project
Web.config - Web project

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How can we force the connection object to close?

There are 2 ways you can do this:
1. using the ExecuteReader method with "CommandBehavior.CloseConnection" parameter
2. Putting the Connection object with Using statement

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What are the two fundamental objects in ADO.NET ?

1. DataReader ( connected mode )
2. DataSet ( disconnected mode )

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Best Practices for an Interview - Part 1

Monday, April 4, 2011

The following are the best practices you can follow for an interview:
1. Be neatly dressed (Tucked in, with Tie, Shoes, Beared shaved)
2. Go well before the time
3. Carry additional copies of the documents mentioned by recruiter along with resume
4. Start with a Good Morning (or time based) and end with a Thank you
5. Give a good positive handshake
6. Be well prepared Technically
7. Sharpen your communication skills before interview
8. Have a model interview with your friend or colleague or at home
9. Gather information about the company and have good idea about them

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What are the testing options provided by Microsoft ?

Friday, April 1, 2011

1. Unit Testing integrated into VSTS
2. WebTest
3. Load Test
4. Generic Test
5. Manual Test
6. Ordered Test

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