All about interviews - Lesson 1 - Basic Tips

Saturday, October 2, 2010

All about interviews - Lesson 1 - Basic Tips
In the series of Articles ,this is the first one. Some basic tips are:
1. Be confident (not over confident)
2. Develop good communication skills
3. Be well prepared in Technical skills
4. Be clean shaved (beard)
5. Dress neatly(formals) and Polish shoes
6. Be punctual

1.www.codecollege.NET 2. 3.The Encylopedia of Web Sites 4.Blogging and Earning

Resume Building - Lesson 1 - Basic Tips

In the series of Articles ,this is the first one. Some basic tips are:
1. Keep the Resume as consice as possible.
2. Segregate different parts like Personal, Work Experience, Skills,etc
3. Standard Font Name : Times New Roman or Arial
4. Standard Font Szie : 12
5. Keep your name bold on top of resume with mobile and email ID
6. Build the resume such that its also viewable in text format
7. Avoid pronouns like "I"
8. Avoid personal information
9. Give numbering for pages
10. Highlight important information
11. Do Spell and Grammar check
12. Stuff resume proof.


What is a test bed?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

An execution environment configured for testing


What is white-box Testing?

Monday, July 19, 2010

White box testing is when the tester has access to the internal data structures and algorithms including the code that
implement these.
The following types of white box testing exist:
a. API testing
b. Code coverage
c. Fault injection methods
d. Mutation testing methods
e. Static testing


Daily Tips- Tip #52 - How will you ensure that is not deployed with debug="true" in production environment?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

you can achieve it by doing the following setting in machince.config,

<deployment retail=”true”/>

What is then expansion of CDN?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Content Delivery Network


Daily Tips- Tip #51 - What is the function which checks whether a string is null or empty?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010



What is shorthand definition syntax for Property definition?

Monday, June 7, 2010

public string Color {get;set;}


What is POX?

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Plain old XML


What is POJO?

Plain old Java Object


What is POCO?

Plain Old C# Object


what are the 2 programming models supported by Silverlight?

1. JavaScript API for Silverlight
2. Managed API for Silverlight


What are the various generations in garbage collection?



Solution for WCF Configuration Editor error : "Configuration binding extension 'system.serviceModel/bindings/basicHttpBinding ' could not be found. "

Change the binding from "WsHttpBinding" to "basicHttpBinding" in the web.config file or app.config file as follows,

<endpoint address="" binding="basicHttpBinding"
<a href="http://www.codecollege.NET">www.codecollege.NET</a>

What are the transport mechanisms supported by WCF?

1. HTTP (ex : http:// or https:// )
2. TCP (ex : net.tcp :// )
3. Peer network (ex: net.p2p://)
4. IPC (Inter-Process Communication over named pipes) (ex: net.pipe://)
5. MSMQ (ex: net.msmq://)


What are the 4 main types of contracts in WCF?

1. Service
2. Data
3. Fault
4. Message


Tell some of the key priciples of Enterprise Application Development ?

Thursday, May 27, 2010

1.SOC ( Separation Of Concerns)
2.SRP (Single Responsibility Principle)
3.Dependency Inversion
4.Inversion of Control


What is called a "Control State" in ?

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Even when EnableViewState is set to false, the control can still hold some smaller data, which is called as "control state".


Daily Tips- Tip #50 - How to do DOM inspection, HTTP tracing ,etc with IE (IE 8 has these features, this tool is for earlier versions)?

you can download and use the "Web Development Helper" tool available in the following link,



Daily Tips- Tip #49 - How to add a "TODO" task list in VS ?

Type the comment marker (//) followed by the word TODO where ever you want in the .cs or .vb file. Then it will appear in the Task List window. Later on you can see all the todo list you have added and then do the task correspondingly.


How do we configure "WebGarden"?

"Web garden" can be configured by using process model settings in "machine.config" or "Web.config" file. The configuration section is named and is shown in the following example. The process model is enabled by default enable="true"). Below is the snippet from config file.


From the above processModel section for web garden we are concerned with only two attributes "webgarden" and "cpuMask".

webGarden : Controls CPU affinity. True indicates that processes should be affinitized to the corresponding CPU. The default is False.

cpuMask : Specifies which processors on a multiprocessor server are eligible to run ASP.NET processes. The cpuMask value specifies a bit pattern that indicates the CPUs eligible to run ASP.NET threads. ASP.NET launches one worker process for each eligible CPU. If webGarden is set to false, cpuMask is ignored and only one worker process will run regardless of the number of processors in the machine. If webGarden is set to true, ASP.NET launches one worker process for each CPU that corresponds to a set bit in cpuMask. The default value of cpuMask is 0xffffffff.

Use 1 for the processor that you want to use for ASP.NET. Use 0 for the processor that you do not want to use for ASP.NET. For example, if you want to use the first two processors for ASP.NET of a four-processor computer, type 1100.


What are different IIS isolation levels?

Monday, May 17, 2010

IIS has three level of isolation:

* Low (IIS process) In this main IIS process and ASP.NET application run in same process. So if any one crashes the other is also affected. So all application and the IIS process runs on the same process. In case any website crashes it affects everyone.
* Medium (Pooled) In Medium pooled scenario the IIS and web application run in different processes. So in this case there are two processes process1 and process2. In process1 the IIS process is running and in process2 we have all Web applications running.
* High (Isolated) In high isolated scenario every process is running is there own process. This consumes heavy memory but has highest reliability.


Daily Tips- Tip #47- How to disable client side script in validators?

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Set EnableClientScript property to false.


What is a WebTest Container?

A .webtest file or .loadtest file is considered a test container in the same way that a dll which contains unit tests is a test container.


What are the options of passing URLs to a webtest from external source?

1. From a custom xml file
2. Parameterized WebTest


Can we call another webtest from within the current one?

You need to add a request manually to the webtest.


What is a Mocking Framework?

A mock object is a simulated object that mimics the behavior of a real object in controlled ways


How do we configure "WebGarden"?

"Web garden" can be configured by using process model settings in "machine.config" or "Web.config" file. The configuration section is named and is shown in the following example. The process model is enabled by default enable="true"). Below is the snippet from config file.


From the above processModel section for web garden we are concerned with only two attributes "webgarden" and "cpuMask".

webGarden : Controls CPU affinity. True indicates that processes should be affinitized to the corresponding CPU. The default is False.

cpuMask : Specifies which processors on a multiprocessor server are eligible to run ASP.NET processes. The cpuMask value specifies a bit pattern that indicates the CPUs eligible to run ASP.NET threads. ASP.NET launches one worker process for each eligible CPU. If webGarden is set to false, cpuMask is ignored and only one worker process will run regardless of the number of processors in the machine. If webGarden is set to true, ASP.NET launches one worker process for each CPU that corresponds to a set bit in cpuMask. The default value of cpuMask is 0xffffffff.

Use 1 for the processor that you want to use for ASP.NET. Use 0 for the processor that you do not want to use for ASP.NET. For example, if you want to use the first two processors for ASP.NET of a four-processor computer, type 1100.


What is the use of $(document).ready() in jquery?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

with it you can put all your event driven javascript in one file, making it easy to maintain and upgrade later.


What are the types of Web Test?

Friday, February 26, 2010

1. Recorded
2. Coded


Daily Tips- Tip #46- How to set the default browser in visual studio 2008?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

1. R-click on the page.
2. Select Browse with option.
3. Select IE or Firefox or anyother in the window.
4. Set as Default, Ok.


What is a WebTest?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Web test simulates how an end user might interact with a Web application.


What is an iframe?

Inline frames are frames that can be placed anywhere on your page by absolute positioning


Daily Tips- Tip #45- How to refresh an page automatically?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="300">


What is SDPS?

It is a deployment solution for organizations
to deploy their applications easily.


What is the expansion of SDPS?

SharePoint Deployment Planning Services.


What are the secure communication technologies available in Asp.NET?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

1. SSL / TLS
2. IPSec
3. RPC Encryption


What is Multi-Targetting in .net?

Using it you can use Visual Studio 2008 to create projects that target .NET Framework version 2.0, 3.0, or 3.5.


How can i persist my session state when my page hit an error?

By calling Server.ClearError();


Can you call WebServices from jQuery ?

Friday, January 8, 2010



How will you fetch the web resources?

Monday, January 4, 2010

You can fetch the web resources using GetWebResourceUrl method, which is a method of the ClientScriptManager class.


What is the format of the URL for WebResource.axd?

The format of this URL is WebResource.axd?d=encrypted identifier&t=time stamp value. The "d" stands for the requested Web Resource. The "t" is the timestamp for the requested assembly, which can help in determining if there have been any changes to the resource.


How Web Resources work in

The rely on WebResource.axd.


What is the handler type for WebResource.axd ?



What is the use of WebResource.axd?

It is a special handler which is designed to retrieve assembly resources and serve them to the Web browser.


Which class do you use to write error messages to the event log ?



What does the term immutable mean?

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Whenever the value of the variable is changed , a new object will be created.


Can you store multiple data types in System.Array?



What is a Nested Master Page ?

Saturday, January 2, 2010

A nested Master page is one master page referring another master page.

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