1. Better support to Web standards and Accessibility. 2. Better attribute values(boolean) for controls with Disabled attribute. 3. In-line css support for validation controls. 4. CSS for the Hidden Fields Div Element. 5. CSS and UI related to many other controls
To use the auto-start feature, an IIS administrator sets an application pool in IIS 7.5 to be automatically started by using the following configuration in the
The Microsoft Windows HTTP Services (WinHTTP) Certificate Configuration Tool, WinHttpCertCfg.exe, enables administrators to install and configure client certificates in any certificate store that can be accessed by the Internet Server Web Application Manager (IWAM) account.
An HTTP handler that combines multiple CSS, Javascript or URL into one response for faster page load. It can combine, compress and cache response which results in faster page load and better scalability of web application.
To view trace details for a specific request 1.Goto to Trace.axd in the root of your application.
For ex: if the URL for your application is http://localhost/myApplication, Goto http://localhost/myApplication/trace.axd to view the trace information for that application.
2.Select the View Details link for the specific request that you want to investigate.
Your ASP.NET application should use windows authentication when your users have windows accounts that can be authenticated by a server. The accounts can be local windows accounts or domain accounts.
You can enforce strong passwords using membership by configuring the attributes minRequiredPasswordLength, minRequiredNonAlphanumericCharacters, and passwordStrengthRegularExpression on your membership provider configuration.