Which property specifies the the command is a Stored Procedure?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Dim cmld as SqlCommand = conn.CreateCommand()
CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

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What are the 3 values of the ParameterDirection Property?

1. Input
2. Output
3. InputOutput
4. ReturnValue

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Which property tells whether the Parameter is input or output?


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What is the name of the method which is used to get the ProcessId?


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Which class provides alternate programmatic approach to Windows Performance Monitor tool?


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What are the 2 protected configuration providers in .NET Framework ?

a. RsaProtectedConfigurationProvider
b. DataProtectionCOnfigurationProvider

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What is the name of class using which you retrieve values from web.config?


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What is the methods using which we can clear Connection Pools?

a. ClearPool
b. ClearAllPools

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Daily Tips- Tip #78 - Performance Tuning .NET - How will you assure an objects disposal on all situations ?

With the help of the 'using' statement.

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Daily Tips- Tip #77 - Performance Tuning .NET - How will you return multiple values from a method ?

By Using the Out keyword on return parameters.

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Daily Tips- Tip #76 - Performance Tuning .NET - Providing Sorting routines to your class

Implement IComparable in your class, which provides sorting routines of List and SortedList.

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Daily Tips- Tip #75 - Performance Tuning .NET

Use System.Collections.Generic.Stack and System.Collections.Generic.Queue instead of System.Collections.Stack and System.Collections.Queue

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Daily Tips- Tip #74 - Performance Tuning .NET

Use System.Collections.Generic.List instead of System.Collections.ArrayList

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